It's a good job I happen to personally love long tedious waits in airports and extremely long boring flights, because I've been royally treated to them these last 24 hours!
We arrived in HK airport today at about 15:oo...the first thing to hit you is the heat, 31 Celsius today, and the high humidity. Its like a jungle here! We bought an Octopus card and set off on the train, changing once to get us to Olympic station. It is just amazing here. Huge skyscrapers, bamboo scaffolding, riches and squalor..HK attacks all senses vigorously.
After getting quite lost (on purpose obviously) we made it to the Olympic Terrace Suites. We are on the 18th floor, so we have spectacular views over the harbour with glimpses of HK island thought the skyscrapers.
I'm very tired because I got no sleep on the flight, so apologies for the scant message here, I'll just leave you with some views from our apartment, and write in more depth later!

If those tall buildings weren't just there I'd be able to see HK island from my window!
More to come, but this is confirmation that I am alive and well, and in Hong Kong!
amazing views...looks like all my favourite anime's and more, very jealous
Wow! A bit different from the view from your Lucker windows. As mum tried to post (but couldn't because her account wasn't recognised)...not a sheep in sight!
Good to hear directly from you too. Hope you get/got some sleep eventually! Take care.
I believe it's a film.
Hi Patrick
Its Branton School here
Aew you having a good time?
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