There is so much constantly going on in the office that the days just fly by; always something to see or do! I’m extremely happy here!
To be honest the main reason the days go so fast is that we are working very hard. I’m just lucky that I love what we are doing so it’s no real hardship. It’s a bit like a man digging in his allotment… he might hurt his back and get sore and tired but at the end of the day he can sit in the shed with a cup of tea and look out proudly at his day’s work. Perhaps he has hoed some peas, or made a new trellis for his runner beans, or dug up some good potatoes to bring back to the wife for tea.
So that’s me. I’ve got soil under my nails but I’m glad for it.
Tara for now x
Oh yes…this is me discovering the wonders of magnetism in the ELC showroom:

You certainly seem to be having fun with those cars!!! x
Hi nephew, so in one post we are sexist, "taking home potatoes for wife to cook"!, grammatically challenged, "Pay check"? and worse, "Tara for now"! your school would be ashamed! Seriously, delighted to see you are doing so well, your cousins send their love and we all hope to see you soon. PS Harry is looking more like you every day and, worse, just as badly behaved! Uncle Andrew and brood
Haha thanks Andrew! Great to hear from you. Yep sorry for the poor English, I'll work on it. Glad to hear you are all well! Tell Harry I will buy him a robot! And Flora too if she wants one haha
looking at your picture playing with cars!!! school has been good to you!!
Aiden, James and Jonathon are at our house tonight
take care and enjoy yourself
from craig, joanne emily and imogen
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